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The Terse And Verbose Programming Language (TAV-PL)

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Programming computers since 50 years, I (Rainer Glaschick) started some time ago to create a programming language that fits my personal taste, is easy to use for the beginner, yet powerful enough for clear progamming and not enticing tricky expressions.

Observing that programming today makes heavy use of libraries, most applications need function calls with small overhead; and many early design criteria for efficient programming are no longer valid.

A precompiler for C proved to be quite efficient; uniform use of references ensures quick assignments to variables; complex nested expressions are possible, but can easily be avoided for clarity.

Parenthesis of any form are not dominating the programme text, because indentation is used like in Python. Moreover, function calls are by function templates, i.e. sequences of words and parameter positions (as in the STAGE2 macroprocessor), so that most function calls need no parenthesis at all.

TAV is terse as there are no keywords and no type declarations necessary in the language core; on the other hand, function templates tend to be verbose.

The most important points might be:

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